Friday 5 April 2024


PeopleSoft HR: A Deep Dive into the Powerhouse of Workforce Management 

In today's dynamic business landscape, managing human capital effectively is a critical differentiator. PeopleSoft HR, also known as Human Capital Management (HCM), emerges as a powerful solution for organizations seeking to streamline their workforce operations. This comprehensive database system goes beyond mere data storage – it empowers HR professionals with a robust platform for talent acquisition, onboarding, performance management, compensation & benefits administration, and employee relations.

This article delves deep into the world of PeopleSoft HR, exploring its core functionalities, benefits, considerations for implementation, and exciting future prospects.

Unveiling the Powerhouse: Core Functionalities of PeopleSoft HR

PeopleSoft HR is a multifaceted system designed to encompass the entire employee lifecycle, from attracting top talent to fostering a thriving and engaged workforce. Here's a closer look at its key functionalities:

  • Talent Acquisition: This module streamlines the recruitment process, enabling you to:

    • Manage Job Postings: Create and publish job postings across various channels, attracting qualified candidates.
    • Applicant Tracking: Track applications throughout the recruitment process, efficiently managing resumes, cover letters, and candidate information.
    • Interview Scheduling: Schedule and manage interviews with ease, including online capabilities for remote candidates.
    • Candidate Selection: Facilitate collaboration and communication within hiring teams to make informed selection decisions.
  • Onboarding: PeopleSoft HR streamlines the new hire onboarding process, improving efficiency and fostering employee engagement:

    • Automated Workflows: Eliminate manual processes by setting up automated workflows for tasks like new hire setup, role-based access provisioning, and benefits enrollment.
    • Document Management: Store and manage all onboarding documents electronically, ensuring easy access and compliance.
    • Orientation Programs: Create and manage customized orientation programs to introduce new hires to the company culture, policies, and benefits.
  • Performance Management: This module empowers performance optimization by providing tools for:

    • Goal Setting: Establish clear performance goals aligned with individual and organizational objectives.
    • Performance Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews with standardized forms and feedback mechanisms.
    • Development Planning: Identify skill gaps and create personalized development plans to enhance employee capabilities.
    • Succession Planning: Develop a strong succession plan by identifying high potential employees and preparing them for future leadership roles.
  • Compensation & Benefits Administration: PeopleSoft HR ensures accurate and efficient compensation and benefits management:

    • Payroll Processing: Streamline payroll processing with automated calculations for taxes, deductions, and benefits contributions.
    • Benefits Administration: Manage employee benefits enrollment and ensure compliance with regulations.
    • Compensation Planning: Develop and manage compensation plans, including salary structures, bonuses, and stock options.
    • Time and Attendance Tracking: Track employee work hours and manage leave requests through integrated time and attendance systems.
  • Learning & Development: This module fosters a culture of continuous learning and skill development:

    • Training Management: Track employee training progress, manage course content, and assign training requirements.
    • Skill Gap Analysis: Identify skills gaps within the workforce and develop targeted training programs to address them.
    • Learning Management System Integration: Seamlessly integrate with external learning management systems to offer a broader range of training opportunities.
  • Employee Relations: PeopleSoft HR facilitates effective employee communication and relationship management:

    • Employee Self-Service: Provide employees with self-service portals to access paystubs, update personal information, request time off, and manage benefits enrollment.
    • Case Management: Track and manage employee relations cases, including grievances, disciplinary actions, and leaves of absence.
    • Communication Tools: Utilize integrated communication tools to broadcast company announcements, conduct surveys, and foster two-way communication with employees.

Benefits of Implementing PeopleSoft HR: A Tangible Impact

Implementing a robust HR system like PeopleSoft HR offers significant advantages for organizations of all sizes:

  • Increased Efficiency: PeopleSoft HR automates routine tasks, reducing manual data entry and streamlining workflows. This frees up valuable time for HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives and employee engagement.
  • Improved Decision Making: Real-time data and comprehensive reporting capabilities empower HR leaders to make data-driven decisions. The system provides valuable insights into workforce trends, talent acquisition effectiveness, and employee performance.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience: Self-service portals empower employees to manage their own HR needs, promoting a sense of control and access to information.
  • Reduced Costs: Streamlining processes, minimizing errors, and improving compliance with regulations can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: PeopleSoft HR adapts to accommodate growing organizations and diverse operational needs. Additionally, its integration capabilities allow for seamless connection with other enterprise systems to create a unified view of organizational

Saturday 11 November 2023

The Future of HR/HCM ERP: A Transformation Powered by AI

The world of Human Resources (HR) is on the cusp of a significant transformation. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, once focused on streamlining core business processes, are now poised to become intelligent hubs for talent management. This evolution is driven by the powerful integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into HR ERP, promising a future of automation, data-driven decision-making, and a more strategic role for HR professionals.

The Rise of AI-powered HR ERP

Traditional HR processes are often bogged down by repetitive tasks, manual data entry, and limited access to actionable insights. AI steps in to bridge this gap by automating mundane activities, analyzing vast amounts of HR data, and generating valuable insights to guide strategic decision-making. Here's how AI is transforming HR ERP:

  • Automated Workflows: AI can automate routine tasks like resume screening, scheduling interviews, and onboarding new hires. This frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives like talent development and employee engagement.

  • Enhanced Recruitment: AI-powered chatbots can interact with potential candidates, answer basic questions, and schedule initial interviews. Additionally, AI can analyze resumes and identify top talent based on pre-defined criteria, reducing bias and streamlining the recruitment process.

  • Data-driven Decision Making: HR ERP systems with AI can analyze vast amounts of employee data, including performance reviews, compensation history, and skills gaps. These insights can be used to identify high performers, predict potential turnover, and make data-driven decisions about talent management strategies.

  • Personalized Learning and Development: AI can analyze employee performance data and recommend personalized learning and development opportunities. This ensures that employees are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in their roles and contribute to the organization's overall goals.

The Benefits of AI-powered HR ERP

The integration of AI into HR ERP offers numerous benefits for organizations, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating routine tasks frees up HR professionals' time, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

  • Reduced Costs: Streamlining processes and minimizing human error can lead to significant cost savings for organizations.

  • Improved Talent Acquisition: AI can help organizations attract and hire top talent by providing a more efficient and personalized recruitment experience.

  • Enhanced Employee Retention: By identifying potential turnover risks and providing personalized development opportunities, AI can help organizations retain their best employees.

  • Data-driven Decision Making: AI-powered HR ERP systems provide valuable insights that can be used to make data-driven decisions about all aspects of talent management.

The Future of HR ERP: A Collaborative Approach

While AI promises significant benefits for HR, it's important to remember that it is a tool, not a replacement for human expertise. The future of HR ERP lies in a collaborative approach where AI handles the heavy lifting of data processing and automation, while HR professionals leverage their human judgment and strategic thinking to guide organizational talent management.

Here's what we can expect in the future of HR ERP with AI:

  • Focus on User Experience: AI-powered HR ERP systems will become increasingly user-friendly, offering intuitive interfaces and personalized recommendations for both HR professionals and employees.

  • Integration with Other Systems: HR ERP systems will seamlessly integrate with other business systems, such as learning management systems and performance management platforms, to create a holistic view of the employee experience.

  • Ethical Considerations: As AI plays a more prominent role in HR, organizations will need to ensure that these systems are used ethically and unbiasedly. This includes establishing clear guidelines for data privacy and ensuring fairness in recruitment and talent management processes.

  • Evolving AI Capabilities: AI technology is constantly evolving, and we can expect to see even more sophisticated capabilities integrated into HR ERP systems in the future. This includes features like sentiment analysis to gauge employee morale and predictive modeling to forecast future workforce trends.


The future of HR ERP is bright, driven by the transformative power of AI. By embracing this technology and adopting a collaborative approach, organizations can create a more efficient, data-driven, and employee-centric HR function. As AI continues to evolve, HR professionals will have the opportunity to unlock new possibilities in talent management, fostering a more engaged and productive workforce.

This article provides a foundational overview of the topic. Here are some additional points to consider for a five-page exploration:

  • Case Studies: Include real-world examples of organizations that have successfully implemented AI-powered HR ERP systems. Discuss the challenges they faced and the benefits they achieved.

  • The Role of HR Professionals: Explore how the role of HR professionals will evolve with the adoption of AI-powered HR ERP. Discuss the new skills and competencies HR professionals will need to develop to thrive in this new environment.

  • Security and Privacy Concerns: Address the potential security and privacy concerns associated with using AI in HR. Discuss strategies for mitigating

Thursday 9 November 2023

SQL query to identify Drop Zone configurations in PeopleSoft

SQL query to identify Drop Zone configurations in PeopleSoft 

Sharing a Drop Zone configurations SQL query here...

I encountered a problem during our HR PUM 47 upgrade that was related to drop zones. The following query proved to be quite valuable in identifying all the dropzones in the system. It also comes in handy if you need to remove dropzone data from various Peopletool tables that may be there due to improper migrations.


SELECT  distinct b.portal_uri_seg2 AS COMPONENT, 
                c.descr           AS COMPONENT_DESCR, 
                  WHEN c.fluidmode = 0 THEN 'Classic' 
                  WHEN c.fluidmode = 1 THEN 'Fluid' 
                  ELSE 'N/A' 
                END               AS TYPE, 
                a.pnlname         AS PAGE, 
                d.itemlabel       AS PAGE_DESCR, 
                SUBSTR(e.ptcs_pnlfldname, ( INSTR(e.ptcs_pnlfldname, '.', 1, 1) 
                                            + 1 ), 
                ( INSTR(e.ptcs_pnlfldname, '.', 1, 3) - 
                  INSTR(e.ptcs_pnlfldname, '.', 1, 1) ) 
                - 1)              AS DROP_ZONE, 
                a.ptcs_serviceid  AS CONFIGURED_SUBPAGE 
FROM   psptcssrvconf a, 
       psprsmdefn b, 
       pspnlgrpdefn c, 
       pspnlgroup d, 
       psptcs_mapflds e       
WHERE  a.ptcs_embeddable = 'Y' 
       AND a.ptcs_suowserv = 'Y' 
       AND a.version <> 0 
       AND a.portal_objname = b.portal_objname 
       AND b.portal_uri_seg2 = c.pnlgrpname 
       AND b.portal_uri_seg3 = 
       AND c.pnlgrpname = d.pnlgrpname 
       AND = 
       AND a.pnlname = d.pnlname 
       AND a.portal_name = e.portal_name 
       AND a.portal_objname = e.portal_objname 
       AND a.ptcs_serviceid = e.ptcs_serviceid 
       AND a.ptcs_instanceid = e.ptcs_instanceid 
       AND e.ptcs_parametername = 'PTCS_MENUFIELD';

Saturday 8 July 2023

Machine Learning for Business

What is machine learning?

Artificial intelligence includes machine learning as a subset. Instead of being specifically programmed to do so, it focuses on teaching machines to learn from data and evolve with experience. Algorithms are trained in machine learning to identify trends and associations in large datasets and to make the right decisions and predictions based on those findings.

Machine Learning’s significance

Machine learning has moved faster because there is a potentially unlimited amount of data available, data storage is cheap, and computers are getting cheaper and faster.

Many companies are now focusing on more efficient machine learning models that can process larger and more complicated data while delivering faster, more accurate results on massive scales. Businesses can use ML techniques to identify potential risks and profitable opportunities more quickly.

Real-world applications of machine learning drive market outcomes that can have a big effect on a company's product. New methods are being developed quickly in the field, which makes it possible to use machine learning in almost any way. ML is a great way to build models, plans, and designs for businesses that use a lot of data and need a way to understand it accurately and effectively.

History of machine learning?

Arthur Samuel, an American IBMer and pioneer in the fields of computer games and artificial intelligence coined the word machine learning in 1959. In the early days of AI as an academic discipline, some researchers were interested in making machines learn from data. They tried to approach the problem with various symbolic methods, including what they then termed “neural networks," which were mostly perceptrons, and other models that were later found to be reinventions of the generalized linear models of statistics.

Machine learning (ML) was reorganized as a separate discipline in the 1990s and began to grow. Agriculture, accounting, financial market research, insurance, ERP, and data mining are only a few of the business applications of machine learning today.

Business use of Machine Learning

Health-care services

Sensors and devices that track everything from heartbeat rates and steps completed to oxygen and sugar levels and even sleep patterns have produced a huge amount of data that allows physicians to evaluate their patients health in real-time. By looking at photos of the back of the eye, a new ML system can find cancerous lumps on mammograms, skin cancer, and damage to blood vessels caused by diabetes.


ML systems allow public officials to use data to predict possible situations and respond quickly to situations that change quickly. Machine learning will help improve cybersecurity and cyber intelligence. It will also help with counter-terrorism, logistics management, predictive maintenance, and lowering failure rates, among other things.

Sales and marketing

ML is also transforming the marketing industry, with many firms successfully implementing artificial intelligence and ML to boost customer loyalty. ML is also enhancing customer interactions and providing better customer support.

E.g., chatbots and digital assistants

Social networking and e-commerce

E-commerce and social media platforms use machine learning to analyze your past purchases and searches and make recommendations for additional purchases based on what you've already purchased. Several analysts think that AI and machine learning will shape the future of retail. This is because deep learning business systems are getting better at collecting, analyzing, and using data to make people's shopping experiences more personal. Facebook and Amazon are excellent examples of this.

Financial sector

In this industry, machine learning helps investors find new opportunities or figure out when the best time is to invest in certain stocks or sectors. Data mining finds out how risky a customer is and tells cyber security how to find and stop fraud. Machine learning can help with analyzing financial portfolios and figuring out how risky it is to give out loans or insurance.

One of AI and machine learning’s potential strengths in this industry is the capability to test hedge funds and analyze stock market activity to make financial recommendations. ML can get rid of usernames, passwords, and security questions by taking anomaly detection to the next level with facial or voice recognition or other biometric data.

Oil and gas

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are already being used for new oil and gas exploration, looking for mineral deposits in the ground, figuring out why refinery sensors aren't working right, and reorganizing oil distribution to increase efficiency and cut costs.

Machine learning is changing the industry with its case-based interpretation, reservoir simulation, and drilling automation. Above all, machine learning is assisting in the safety of this hazardous industry.


The vast manufacturing sector is also no stranger to machine learning. The goal of machine learning applications in manufacturing is to improve operations from planning to execution, reduce human error, improve predictive maintenance, and speed up the time it takes to turn over inventory.

Major Machine Learning Vendors (Offer tools and business applications)

· Amazon Web Services

· Databricks

· Google Cloud


· Microsoft Azure




A Few ML Tools and Applications:


Oracle Machine Learning for SQL (OML4SQL) provides powerful in-database algorithms for model building through PL/SQL, along with SQL function functions for applying models to make predictions. This transforms the database into a company-wide analytical tool for data-driven issues like churn prediction, consumer segmentation, fraud and anomaly detection, cross-sell and up-sell opportunity discovery, business basket evaluation, and predictive maintenance.

Oracle Data Miner is an Oracle SQL Developer extension that automates many of the steps in the machine learning process using a drag-and-drop user interface. Oracle SQL Developer is a popular, free integrated development tool for developing and managing Oracle Database in both traditional and Oracle Cloud Service deployments. Users of Oracle Data Miner can share their analytical workflows with other analysts and/or generate SQL scripts to hand over to their IT organization to speed up solution deployment. Oracle Data Miner also has a PL/SQL API for scheduling and automating workflows.


SAP CoPilot

SAP CoPilot, the company’s digital assistant and bot integration hub, has two goals: to provide business users with a fun, personalized experience, and smartly structured work data to help them achieve better results.

SAP Leonardo

SAP Leonardo is a cloud-based application that provides a large data repository for structured data storage and retrieval in in-memory databases like SAP HANA. SAP Leonardo can be easily integrated with any on-premises or cloud-based application using implementation application services such as IoT, machine learning, analytics, big data, design thinking, blockchain, and digital intelligence.

SAP Predictive Analysis

The SAP Predictive Analysis and Service solution assists in the better prediction, planning, and execution of maintenance and repair work, reducing both scheduled and unscheduled downtime.

It enables the analysis of data using various visualization methods and offers a range of predictive algorithms to predict future business decisions.


Amazon Monitron

Amazon Monitron is a complete system that uses machine learning to detect unusual behavior in industrial machinery, allowing businesses to perform predictive maintenance and minimize unscheduled downtime.

Amazon Comprehend Medical

Amazon Comprehend Medical is a HIPAA-compliant natural language processing (NLP) service that extracts health data from medical text using machine learning—no prior machine learning knowledge is required.

Amazon Lookout for Vision

Amazon Lookout for Vision is a machine learning service that uses computer vision to detect flaws and irregularities in visual representations (CV). Manufacturing companies can improve quality and cut costs with Amazon Lookout for Vision by easily detecting variations in images of objects at scale.

Legal & Regulatory challenges associated with machine learning

Machine learning can and is already creating social problems and labor market transformations, resulting in job turnover and retooling across nearly all segments of the economy.

Destructive acts: Because of deliberate user behavior, failure, faulty programming, or unexpected AI system actions, ML systems controlling machines can damage property or people. The first deadly crash involving a self-driving car occurred in March 2018. Such risks would grow as self-driving cars, drones, and other AI-operated ML devices become more popular.

Lack of privacy: Machine Learning and AI-driven technologies like Face, speech, and behavior identification applications that can be linked to high-resolution cameras and microphones make it feasible to track each move we make in real-time, not only when we are using electronic devices. A public rating program is currently being assessed on a wide range in China, and in certain cases, it is being linked with governmental screening and security programs.

In real-time, the program keeps track of all the participants. and generates an individual public credit score based on information such as dating habits, friends, workout time, favorite TV channels, mobile use, time, effort spent raising children, and so on. The score is then used to gain admission to colleges, obtain a mortgage, fly, book hotels, and so on.

Biased algorithms: There is a possibility of discriminatory outcomes when ML is used as a decision-making tool that is based on statistical models implemented on big data. For example, in recruitment processes, machine learning algorithms have been reported to produce results that are skewed against women.

It is fair to expect ML to be used as a decision-making method in crime investigation, the justice process, credit scoring, university application processes as well as several other areas as the technology advances.

Fake News and Information: ML &AI systems can filter messages — true or false — to have the ultimate effect on our attitudes and beliefs by collecting and evaluating data about us. ML may also generate faces, voices, messages, and social media posts(tweets), and look them appear the same as they were from a legitimate person.

Hacking: Hacking into networks and cracking encrypted systems is becoming easier for machine learning systems. As time goes on, more powerful malicious software will be capable of propagating on a huge scale.

It is easy to imagine situations in which hackers seize control of autonomous vehicles to inflict damage, or hack hospital equipment and switch off pacemakers and other critical lifesaving technology.

Although some of the problems with Machine Learning are common to previous technologies, others are unique to Machine Learning. Machine Learning has elements that make it more challenging to regulate than earlier technologies, as can be seen from the above. The widespread availability of the computer hardware, software, and fundamental expertise needed to create effective ML systems in their various forms has resulted in the innovative creation of ML applications. This rapid and decentralized development poses a significant challenge in terms of efficiently controlling technology without suffocating the benefits of innovation.

Wednesday 2 November 2022


How to Delete an Employee ID and Employee Record in HR (PeopleSoft)
Removing Employee ID and Employee Record in Peoplesoft

Picture yourself in a situation where you need to erase an Employee ID or an instance of an employee ID, perhaps due to mistakenly hiring an employee who didn't show up on the first day or left the organization immediately (poor guy, wonder what made them leave so abruptly... ๐Ÿ™„).

So, what's next? Removing the Employee ID in Peoplesoft... ๐Ÿค Nightmare, isn't it?

For tech enthusiasts, the initial instinct might be to pinpoint all records containing the EMPLID field and execute delete scripts for that employee. Seriously...? Want to know a secret? There's a much simpler solution than this... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Deleting EMPLID
Peoplesoft offers a delivered process (HR_PER502) designed to delete an employee ID. Simply input the employee ID here and let the process take care of the rest.

Set Up HCM > System Administration > Database Processes > ID Delete

While the aforementioned process streamlines our tasks, it's important to note that Peoplesoft advises against deleting an Employee ID that has already undergone Payroll processing.

Imagine deleting an Employee after Payroll has been executed for that ID. This would leave the records in a state where pay calculations are disrupted, making it exceedingly challenging to reconcile the figures, potentially leading to Audit or Compliance issues. Thus, resorting to a back-door approach to rectify an error should be avoided. Instead, I would suggest adding a Termination row in such cases to maintain a clean audit trail.

It's crucial to understand that the above process doesn't eliminate all audit records (beginning with AUDIT_...).

Changing EMPLID
There will be instances where you need to modify the EMPLID to a different identifier, such as when an employee rejoins the company and is assigned a new employee ID instead of going through a Rehire action.

Guess what? You can utilize the same process to update an EMPLID to a new number.

Navigate to Set Up HCM > System Administration > Database Processes > ID Change.

Deleting an Employee Record

But hold on - there's an additional valuable delivered process that assists in removing an Employee Record instance created in error. You can access it through the following navigation:

Set Up HCM > System Administration > Database Processes > ERN Delete Process > ERN Delete Process

The system safeguards against the deletion of EMPLID/EMPL_RCD combinations utilized in crucial processes such as payroll, benefits, and time reporting.

In summary, rather than undertaking intricate database procedures involving numerous delete scripts, it's advisable to utilize the Peoplesoft-delivered processes outlined above. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.